Saturday, January 29, 2011

High Quality Shoes Made In Indonesia

Who doesn't like shopping online, here? hahhaha.. i bet (almost) all girls do enjoy it, rite?! ;)

I am not an into-fashion person actually. But, since i was dong a research about online shop for my thesis, now i really enjoy it to do "window-shopping" on internet. It is so fun! hahaha...

Two local online shops selling shoes that fascinate me so much is Wondershoe and Up by Diana Rikasari. And oh, i am ssssoooo craving for these pairs of shoes!

*Stella Red by UP*

*Kate Black by UP*

*Anya Grey by UP*

*X295 by Wondershoe*

*X297 by Wondershoe*

*X288 by Wondershoe*

Mom, would u please buy me one? :D (don't expect too much ness! Buy it by yourself!) ;p
Oya girls, Go check those links i mentioned above and i wish you no longer keep underestimating local products. So, why don't you try buying some made-in-indonesia products (with good quality, of course!) instead of keep on being fooled by those international brands with their unreasonable price!? hehehe.. i'm just suggesting, anyway. :)

Ia Ingin Dikenal Secara Personal

Tau band DRIVE? tau donk! Tau lagu - lagunya? tau donk! Tau Anji, vokalis-nya? tau donk! Nah, kalau gue sebut nama "Erdian Aji", tau ga? 

Mhmm.. gue yakin sih pasti sudah ada yang merasa tidak asing lagi dengan nama itu. Tapi kayaknya gue ga salah juga kalau gue bilang "pasti ada yang belum tau!". Ada yang menarik, bahkan sangat menarik dari pemilik nama itu, menurut gue. Apa karena dia vokalis band? Apa karena dia salah satu publik figur negeri ini? Lebih dari itu rasanya! :)

Erdian Aji, atau orang lebih kenal dia sebaai "Anji Drive". Pertama gue follow dia di twitter, mmhmm.. gue juga lupa karena apa. Gue termasuk bukan penikmat tweet2 para selebritas, krn kebanyakan dari mereka agak "nyampah" yaaa isi timeline-nya. Ya memang gue atau temen - temen gue juga suka "nyampah" di twitter, tapi lebih baik baca "sampahan" orang - orang yang kita kenal, kan. Anyway, back to mas Anji, memang tidak ada penyesalan atau niat untuk unfollow twitternya. Walaupun kadang gw ga ngerti apa yang di tulis di twitter-nya (hahaha.. yah, foolish me! :p), tapi yang selalu ada di pikiran gue tentang dia saat baca setiap tweet-nya adalah, "Gila ya orang ini!".

Gila, dalam arti, dia seakan ga pernah berhenti berkarya. Otaknya seakan ga pernah beristirahat untuk berfikir dan seakan ga pernah kehabisan ide. Intinya sih gue cuma pengen sharing tentang website pribadi-nya mas anji yang berisi semua tulisan - tulisannya, lagu ciptaan-nya yang dinyanyikan secara solo, dan film pendek yang entah kapan akan dia publish. Menurut gue semua isinya keren!

Coba cek deh ke:

Dan dengan mengenal sosok ini (secara virtual, cuma dengan saling follow, sesekali BBM, belum pernah ketemu langsung, suatu hari mudah - mudahan bisa), gue semakin mengerti sebuah kalimat yang sering orang ucapkan "Jangan menilai orang dari luarnya (Don't judge a book by its cover)". Gue yakin sampai saat ini masih banyak yang ingat tentang kasus-nya beberapa waktu lalu dan menilainya negatif. Well, buat gue, segala karya - karya yang dia ciptakan setiap harinya lebih penting untuk diperhatikan. Coba saja mengenalnya sebagai erdian aji ketimbang anji drive, at least lewat apa yang Ia suguhkan di website-nya. Satu kata saja, Menyenangkan! :)

I Recommend You: HOOK (Indonesia)

The first time i knew about this band was from twitter, without listening to any of their song. The band is formed by the well-known talented bassist from Indonesia, Barry Likumahuwa. This project is being done by him, Ivan Saba, and Jonas Wang.

One day, i was hanging out with Kristian Primahadi. He's a really great sound engineer who is very kind willing to help Scientific 4 in any kind of things. Some famous musicians also asked him to get involved in their song recording or live performance. Barry Likumahuwa is one of the musician who's "falling in love" with mas Kris, i think! hahahhaa.. so are we (me and scientific 4 dudes) ! Anyway, at that time mas Kris told us bout his experience helping Barry in recording session of Hook Indonesia. He also sounded off the not-yet-released single from Hook (Indonesia) to us. The song is called "A Song". It is very niiiiiicccceeee tune! Please do check it out!

So, what do you think? It's really nice, isn't it!?! :) Good Job, Barry!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Crave YOU!

Why can't you want me like the other boys do?
They stare at me while I stare at you
Why can't I keep you safe as my own?
One moment I have you the next you are gone
Rehearsed steps on an empty stage
That boy's got my heart in a silver cage
Why can't you want me like the other boys do?
They stare at me while I crave you

I walked into the room dripping in gold
Yeah dripping in gold
I walked into the room dripping in gold
Dripping in gold
A wave of heads did turn, or so I've been told
Or so I've been told
My heart broke when I saw you kept your gaze controlled
Oh I cannot solve

It's true I crave you
Crave You
It's true I crave you

Let's just stop and think, before I lose face
Surely I can't fall, into a game of chase
Around his little finger, that boy has got me curled
I try to reach out, but he's in his own world
This boy's got my head tied in knots with all his games
I simply want him more because he looks the other way

*by: flight facilities*

Friday, January 14, 2011


Holla weekend! Holla Saturday!

I found it rainy here at Jakarta. It would be best to spend your gloomy yet cold Saturday with sipping a cup of coffee or tea, having some snacks and listening to good music.

Let's take a look at this cutie band from Bandung, Indonesia. They are: Baby Eats Crackers. Here is their first music video for single "Kissh Kissh".

Find out more about Baby Eats Crackers at: MySpace
Get along with them on: Facebook
Follow them on: Twitter

Oya, they have already launched their debut album. Please grab it before out-of-stock! Just call: Adhi (0813 206 42024). They will ship it to your house or wherever you want. 

Let's support our local bands! HAPPY WEEKEND! ^_^

Fresh Graduate Syndrome

Dandanin CV.
Browsing - browsing lowongan.
Buka - buka koran cari lowongan.
Deg - degan setiap hari nunggu panggilan.
BBM teman - teman yang udah kerja (cari lowongan juga).
Menerima (hampir) semua ajakan teman  untuk hang-out karena nganggur.
Menerima (hampir) semua kerjaan lepasan untuk menambah kocek utk biaya pergaulan.
1 bulan, 2 bulan, aman dari ocehan, bulan berikutnya berasa kayak diteror org tua sendiri.


*mendoakan diri sendiri (dan kalian juga yang sedang se-nasib)* T_T


Thank God it's friday! 

Actually everyday seems like just the same for me now. I work hard on weekend, i play hard on weekdays, i learn hard on weekdays, i have so much fun also on weekend. Hahahhaa... it's just the same! :p

Anywaaaaayyyy, i wanna share this one to you guys. Last sunday, i went to a small yet super comfy coffee shop located in sabang, next to Kopitiam oey and holland bakery.

Yes, It's Sabang 16! The one which's known with the super yummy Kaya Toast. (The kaya toast itself actually tasted like what my mom always make for my bfast... hahahha... nothing special for me... But, it's still yummy though) :D I highly recommend this place for you to hold a meeting with your client or anyone.
I captured some picts at that time. Here you go!

*Front View*

*the famous Kaya Toast*

*Stuffs on the table during the meeting w/ 7Spades Prod.*

*The Menu*

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Don't Waste Your Time

I got some tasks to do in this Sunday... Morning broadcasting on Carrefour Radio, VO recording for 101 JAK FM Birthday greetings, after wards,  meeting with 7 Spades production. Working on Sunday? Yes! it's been such a habit for me. I am so thankful anyway that i still have opportunities to work then earn money while i see so many people here still unemployed. :( May God always be with them as well...

Anyway, while i was walking to my office, suddenly these words went through my mind:

"When reality doesn't meet your expectation, it's way better to make a move instead of keep on whining."

Well, for you who are probably facing some confusing things in your life, just like me now, let's not waste your time by whining, crying, and feeling blue all the time. Let's do SOMETHING to make it better.. so much better.. Good luck, friends! I wish myself luck as well! :)


I Recommend You: STEREOCASE

STEREOCASE, an alternative rock band from Jakarta, sounds like Incubus, they are: Fadli, Iqif, Richard, Doni.

This is their very first official video clip for single "Just Called Life"

Go follow them on twitter: @stereocase
Also check their others songs: click here

As always, let's support our local band! :)

Sushi is (not) always that expensive!

Sabtu ini, gue bertemu seorang teman, Rozy Aldilasa, yang sudah lama ga pernah ketemu dan makan sushi bareng! Yak, tahun baru, cerita baru, dan pilihan tempat sushi baru (tempatnya ga baru sih, kitanya aja lagi agak ga kuat sushi-an di tempat biasa :p). Habislah 3 jam ngobral - ngobrol ngalur ngidul tentang tingkah polah orang - orang di lingkaran kita yang kadang suka bikin naik darah (*sigh*), tentang posisi barunya di kantor (ah.. i'm so happy for you!), dan pastinya curhatan gue lumayan men-dominasi. Hehehheee...

By the way, please look at below picts. Are they tempting??? *nyaaammm... One thing, it's less expensive than those sold at malls. :p Just try em! It's SUSHI-YA! :)

*Rozy is enjoying his desert*


Oya, we were also talking about a dream to run a small business especially in FOOD, oneday. Amin.... :) Then, Go follow him on Twitter and get to know more about this nice guy, my mate Rozy Aldilasa, click here

Rico Babi's "Birthday Bash" !

*Tiup Lilinya Tiup Lilinnyaaa....*

*Rico Babi and his GF, Melin :) *

* "The Gank" (hueekk... xp ) *

*Bayu Mather Father's wife, Clara, with their 1st baby, Nathan*
Few days ago, Me and some of my best friends went to TnT Studio, Kelapa Gading, and made a little yet foolish surprise for the loveliest Rico Babi, who was celebrating birthday. Pictures above hopefully can tell more than words how happy we were at that time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BABI! WE LOVE YOU! :*

Notes: Ah ya! the cutie nathan was coming to accompany his daddy! :*

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolusi untuk Realisasi

Harapan baru di tahun baru pasti dimiliki semua orang, termasuk gue. Wahhh... kalau mau dipikir - pikir, 2011 adalah tahun pertama gue setelah 18 tahun, tidak menjadi seorang pelajar lagi yang duduk di kelas mendengarkan dosen / guru menjelaskan teori - teori. Sekarang saatnya belajar di dunia nyata dimana banyak orang bilang ga pernah sesuai sama aa yang kita pelajari di kelas.

Well, gw sendiri sih alhamdulillah selama kuliah dari semester awal udah mulai punya kerjaan - kerjaan sambilan. Jadi sebenarnya gue ga perlu terlalu takut sama dunia kerja. hahahhaa... mayan sotoy yah?!? hehehhee... ampuuunn.. pemirsa! :p

Nah, kalau boleh ber-resolusi, ini dia beberapa hal yang ingin gue raih dan terjadi di tahun kelinci ini:
1. 7 Spades Production (EO gue) dapet lebih banyak job dan berkarya lebih speltakuler lagi :D
2. Bisnis Papi berhasil supaya bisa lebih tenang
3. Mami bisa pergi Umroh atau bahkan naik haji
4. Dapat job MC lebih banyak
5. Sholat lebih rajin, usahalan penuh 5 waktu
6. Lebih rajin puasa senin - kamis
7. Lebih banyak berbuat baik sama orang lain. Make new friends not enemy!
8. Running satu bisnis keluarga sama 2 adik manis gue, Anto dan Nanda. :)
9. Dapat kesempatan untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang RADIO BROADCASTING
10. PUNYA PACAR YANG SERIUS (baca: CALON SUAMI) hahahhaa.. yeah.. i'm dealing with the deadline.. huhuhuuuu... Amin....

Mari awali tahun baru ini dengan BISMILLAHIRAHMANIRAHIM.... Semoga Allah selalu me-ridhoi kita semua... Good Luck wih ur life and resolutions, friends! ^_^